shī xué

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.drop out of school; be deprived of education

    • tā shí suì jiù yǐ jīng shī xué le


      She was deprived of schooling at the age of ten.

    • tā jué dìng bǔ shàng shī xué de sǔn shī cóng shì xiě zuò


      He resolved to make up for his loss of formal education and try his hand at writing.

Word usage

  • "失" and "学" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 曾经

      He also dropped out of school.

    • 因为家庭经济困难

      He dropped out of school because of his family's financial difficulties.

    • 如果生病不了

      If he is not ill, he can't drop out of school.