
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.intersection; at a critical turning point (in one's life, etc.); crossroads(plural); the four corners

    • tā zài shí zì lù kǒu pái huái


      He hesitated at the crossroads.

    • chǔ zài shí zì lù kǒu


      be at a crossroads

    • yǒu qíng bào shuō hào gāo sù gōng lù nán bian de shí zì lù kǒu fù jìn yǒu fēi chē dǎng ōu dòu


      We've got reports of biker gangs fighting near the intersection of Highway 1 south!

Word usage

  • "十字路口" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 十字路口

      one crossroad