
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1


    • xiāng jiān xiǎo lù


      country road

    • zǒu cuò lù

      take a wrong road

    • píng tǎn de lù


      smooth road

    • qí qū de lù


      rugged road

  • 2

    n.journey; distance

    • zǒu yuǎn lù

      walk a long way

    • lù hěn yuǎn

      It's a long way.

    • wǒ hái yǒu hěn cháng yī duàn lù yào zǒu

      I still have a long way to go.

    • tā péi wǒ zǒu le yī duàn lù

      She accompanied me for some distance.

  • 3


    • huó lù

      a way out

    • cái lù

      source of income

    • shēng lù

      means of livelihood

  • 4

    n.route; course

    • bā lù jūn

      the Eighth Route Army

  • 5

    n.region; district; side

    • wài lù rén

      nonlocal people

    • wài lù huò

      foreign goods

    • nán lù huò

      southern goods

  • 6

    n.sort; grade; class; kind

    • mò lù


    • tóng lù rén

      people of the same class

    • tóu lù huò

      top class goods

  • 7

    n.logic; line; sequence

    • sī lù

      train of thought

    • lǐ lù

      line of reasoning

    • bǐ lù

      style or technique of calligraphy, writing, poetry or painting

  • 8

    measure wordrow

    • sì lù zòng duì

      four-way column

  • 9

    n.Lu, a surname

Words and phrases with 路

Word usage

  • "路" is often matched with measure word "条"or"段".
    • one road

    • one section of a road

Similar-form characters to 路

Chinese Characters with pinyin

  • record; record
  • land; land route
  • dew; outside a house, a tent, having no covering above
  • 鹿
    deer; state power
  • official's salary in feudal China; a surname