shòu jiǒng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.embarrassed; bothered; be in an awkward position

    • wǒ de tǎn shuài shǐ tā shòu jiǒng le


      He was embarrassed by my frankness.

    • tā zài jīng jì shang shòu jiǒng


      He is embarrassed financially.

    • wǒ zǒng shì pà shòu jiǒng shén me shì dōu bù gǎn qù zuò


      Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts ofthings

    • tā hěn dān xīn wǒ huì shòu jiǒng


      She was so afraid that I might be embarrassed.

Word usage

  • "受" and "窘" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 多少笑话多少

      I don't know how many times he has made himself a fool and got embarrassed.

    • 我们必须

      This time we must embarrass him.