sī lìng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.commander; commanding officer; (in certain national armies) person in charge of military affairs; commandant

    • sī lìng xiàng zì jǐ de zhí shǔ shàng si qǐng qiú zhī yuán


      The commander began to beseech his immediate superior for reinforcements.

    • sī lìng duì tā de bù duì zuò le bù shǔ yǐ biàn jìn gōng dí jūn


      The commander disposed his forces so as to make an attack on the enemy.

    • sī lìng jí hé le tā de cān móu rén yuán


      The commander congregated his staffs.

  • 2

    n.commanding officer of the People's Liberation Army of China

    • zhè shì wǒ men de sī lìng


      This is our commander in chief.

    • nǐ kě néng xiǎng zhī dào zuò wéi sī lìng wǒ shì rú hé yíng dé zhè me duō róng yù de


      You may be wondering how I have won so many honors as a commander in chief.

    • zuò wéi wǒ men de sī lìng tā de wēi wàng hěn gāo


      He is highly respected as our commander.

Word usage

  • "司令" is often matched with measure word "位"or"个".
    • 司令

      one commander

    • 司令

      one commander