
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.thought; thinking

    • sī wéi zhèng cháng de rén men bù huì zuò qí guài de shì qing


      Normal thinking people don't do strange things.

    • tā duì dài gōng zuò hěn yán jǐn yǒu zhe liáng hǎo de sī wéi hé kāi tuò jīng shen


      She handles the work very rigorously, having nice thought and pioneering spirit.

    • wǒ kāi shǐ dǒng tā de sī wéi guò chéng le


      I was beginning to understand his thought processes.

  • 2

    v.think; consider

    • tā yòng quán xīn de fāng shì lái sī wéi


      He thinks in a whole new way.

    • tā duì zhè ge wèn tí jìn xíng fǎn fù sī wéi


      He pondered the problem over and over.

Word usage

  • Note
    "思维" cannot be written as "思惟".