suō shǒu

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.draw back one's hand

    • wèi shén me shì yī xia nǐ jiù suō shǒu le ne


      Why would you try and draw back your hand?

  • 2

    v.metashrink from doing something

    • bìng shì wēi zhòng hǎo jǐ wèi míng yī dōu suō shǒu le


      The patient's condition is so serious that several renowned doctors are loath to take any action.

    • wǒ quàn nǐ suō shǒu bù rán nǐ huì xiàn rù má fan


      I advise you to give up, or you'll get into trouble.

Word usage

  • "缩" and "手" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 立刻

      She drew back her hands at once.

    • 这个小偷

      The thief drew back his hands.

    • 习惯不了

      He is used to stealing, so he can't shrink from stealing.