suō yǐng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.miniature; epitome; microcosm

    • yī tiān jiù shì yī shēng de suō yǐng


      A day miniatures a life.

    • nà ge nán hái zi shì tā fù qīn de suō yǐng


      The boy is a miniature of his father.

    • cháng chéng shì zhōng guó de suō yǐng


      The Great Wall is the epitome of China.

  • 2

    n.metaminiature objects

    • xiān cháng de jiāng dòu shì nán wàng tóng nián de suō yǐng


      The slender cowpea is a miniature of the unforgettable childhood.

Word usage

  • "缩影" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 缩影

      one miniature