
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.staircase; steps; footstep

    • xià lóu shí dāng xīn tái jiē


      Mind the steps when you go downstairs.

    • zhè xiē shí tou tái jiē liè le


      The stone steps were broken.

    • tā pǎo xiàng lóu tī yī bù liǎng jí de pǎo xià tái jiē


      She ran for the staircase and down the steps, taking them two at a time.

  • 2

    n.opportunity to extricate somebody from embarrassment or predicament: way out

    • tā shí fēn gān gà què zhǎo bù dào tái jiē xià


      He felt very embarrassed and yet had no idea how to extricate himself from the situation.

    • gěi tā zhǎo gè tái jiē xià ba


      Let's find him a way out.

    • lǎo shī shí fēn gān gà xiǎng zhǎo gè tái jiē xià


      The teacher felt very embarrassed and wanted to extricate from the situation.

  • 3


    • zhèng cè yī dàn fā bù jīng jì huì shàng yī gè tái jiē


      Once the policy is released, the economy will go to a higher level.

    • gōng sī de yè jì huì gèng shàng yī gè tái jiē de


      The company's performance will go to a higher level.

    • tā de dì wèi gèng shàng yī gè tái jiē


      Her position was raised to a higher level.

Word usage

  • "台阶" is often matched with measure word "个"or"级"or"段".
    • 台阶

      one step

    • 台阶

      one step

    • 台阶

      one step