tāng chí

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.soupspoon; tablespoon

    • nǐ de yào de yòng liàng shì měi sì xiǎo shí chī liǎng tāng chí


      The dose of your medicine is two spoonfuls every four hours.

    • jiāng níng méng qiē piàn xiàng pēn hú zhōng jǐ chū jǐ tāng chí níng méng zhī


      Slice your lemon and squeeze out several tablespoons of lemon juice into your spray bottle.

    • xǔ duō guó jiā de pǐn pái jiàn yì měi bēi yī tāng chí


      Many national brands recommend one tablespoon per cup.

Word usage

  • "汤匙" is often matched with measure word "把".
    • 汤匙

      one spoon