tāo xīn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.from the bottom of one's heart

    • shuō jù tāo xīn de huà nǐ zhēn bù yīng gāi gào sù tā


      To be frank, you shouldn't have told her that.

    • yǐ qián tài tāo xīn tāo fèi le suǒ yǐ gǎo de xiàn zài méi xīn méi fèi


      We used to have our hearts out, so now we have our hearts out.

Word usage

  • "掏" and "心" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 他们朋友

      I made friends with them from the bottom of my heart.