téng nuó

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.transfer (funds, etc.) to other use

    • zhuān kuǎn zhuān yòng bù dé rèn yì téng nuó


      Funds earmarked for specific purposes are not to be transferred to other use without due authorization.

  • 2

    v.move something to make room; move something from one place to another

    • tā wèi bǎi fàng xīn shū bǎ jià zi shang de dōng xi téng nuó le yī xià


      She moved the things on the shelf to make room for his new books.

    • bǎ zhuō zi téng nuó yī xià


      Move the tables to make room.

  • 3

    v.jump, dodge and other movements in Wushu

    • téng nuó zì yóu


      jump and dodge with ease