tiān hūn dì àn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    slmurky sky over a dark earth; gloomy above and dark below

    • zhàn chǎng shang dǎ de tiān hūn dì àn


      The battlefield became dark all around from fighting.

    • yī zhèn kuáng fēng guā de tiān hūn dì àn


      A gust of wind darkened the sky and obscured everything.

    • tiān hūn dì àn rì yuè wú guāng


      There was gloom above and darkness below, with no light from the sun or moon.

  • 2

    slin a state of chaos and darkness; total absence of justice

    • jiù shè huì zhěng yī gè tiān hūn dì àn de shì jiè


      The old society was a world of chaos and corruption.

    • jūn fá hùn zhàn gǎo de quán guó tiān hūn dì àn


      The fighting among the warlords plunged the country into a complete chaos.

    • nà liǎng rén kāi shǐ dǎ jià dǎ de tiān hūn dì àn


      The two men fell to and fought bitterly.

  • 3

    slto an extreme degree; like hell; terribly; violently

    • tā mǔ qīn qù shì shí tā kū le gè tiān hūn dì àn


      She cried her eyes out when her mother died.