tián cí

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.fill in words to fit a given tune

    • nǐ néng wèi zhè shǒu qǔ zi tián cí ma


      Can you write words to this piece of music?

    • tā nián shào shí céng xué xí tián cí zuò qǔ


      In his youth, he had learned to write words to given melody and to compose poems.

    • wǒ kuài yào wán chéng wèi nǐ nà shǒu gē de tián cí le


      I've nearly finished the words for your song.

Word usage

  • "填" and "词" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 之后

      He finished filling in words to fit the given tune and then played the piano.

    • 一辈子佳作

      He has filled in words to fit the given tune all his life, but there are few excellent works.

    • 这个知名歌手

      He filled in words to fit the given tune for this famous singer.

Chinese words with pinyin tian ci