
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.metajob-hop; jump to another employment; throw up one job and take on another

    • yǒu rén tiào cáo jīng shāng qù le


      Somebody has left his jobs to do business.

    • tā yī xīn xiǎng wǎng shōu rù gèng gāo de dì fang tiào cáo


      She was set on finding a higher paid job.

    • tā pín fán tiào cáo


      She flits from one job to another.

  • 2

    v.(of stable-kept livestock) leave its own manger/trough to eat at another

    • mǎ tiào cáo


      Horse leave its own manger to eat at another.

Word usage

  • "跳" and "槽" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 满意工作

      After hoping from job to job twice, he found a satisfactory job.

    • 什么时候

      When did he hop from job to job?

    • You hopped from job to job, too.