tíng zi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.kiosk; pavilion (in a park or beside a road for people to rest)

    • hú xīn yǒu yī zuò tíng zi


      At the centre of the lake, there is a pavilion.

    • yī wèi lǎo rén zhèng zài jiē dào biān de tíng zi xià mài dì tú


      An old man was selling maps under a shelter at the wayside.

    • wǒ jīng cháng qù gōng yuán li de nà ge tíng zi xia chéng liáng


      I often go to the pavilion in the park to enjoy the shade.

Word usage

  • "亭子" is often matched with measure word "个"or"座".
    • 亭子

      one pavilion

    • 亭子

      one pavilion