tū dǐng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.bald; bald on the head; bald on top; baldheaded

    • tā sì shí gāng chū tóu jiù kāi shǐ tū dǐng


      He started to bald in his early forties.

  • 2

    n.bald head; top of the head where all or most of the hair is lost

    • tā de tū dǐng zài guāng zhōng shǎn liàng


      His bald head shines in the light.

    • zhuó rè de yáng guāng zhí shè zài tā nà guāng guāng de tū dǐng shang


      The sun beat down on his bald pate.

Word usage

  • "秃" and "顶" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 去年

      I became bald last year.

    • 什么时候开始?

      When did you start to bald?

    • 以前

      He was bald before.

Chinese words with pinyin tu ding