tū fēi měng jìn

Chinese dictionary
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  • advance by leaps and bounds; make giant strides

    • gāi guó jīng jì de fā zhǎn tū fēi měng jìn


      The nation's economy has developed by leaps and bounds.

    • lái zhè yǐ hòu tā de yīng yǔ tū fēi měng jìn


      Her English has improved enormously since she came.

    • nǐ kě yǐ zhǐ wàng tā zài xué xí shang xún xù jiàn jìn dàn bié zhǐ wàng tā tū fēi měng jìn


      You can expect her progress at school to be gradual rather than brilliant.

    • shēng chǎn lì tū fēi měng jìn fā zhǎn


      the rapid development of the productive forces

    • líng shòu shì chǎng shang yǒu shǐ yǐ lái de zuì gāo lì rùn xiǎn shì chū jīng jì de tū fēi měng jìn


      Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.