tuì huà

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.degenerate; retrograde; retrogress

    • jī néng tuì huà


      functional retrogradation

    • tǔ dòu zhòng le jǐ nián zhī hòu jiù huì tuì huà


      After a few years' planting, the quality of the potato crop deteriorates.

    • mǎ líng shǔ tuì huà


      potato degeneration

  • 2

    v.deteriorate; (of a good thing) turn or become bad; become worse

    • shè huì fēng qì tuì huà


      degrading social morals

    • chéng shí bù gāi tuì huà wéi jiǎn dān ér ruì zhì yě bù gāi tuì huà wéi jiǎo zhà


      Sincerity should not degenerate into simplicity nor sagacity into cunng.

Word usage

  • Note
    "退化" is different from "蜕化". "退化" generally refers to things changing from good to bad, and from good to bad; and "蜕化" means change and evolution.

Chinese words with pinyin tui hua