
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.infmlbe done for; be finished/doomed; collapse

    • rú guǒ yín háng bù jiè qián wǒ men jiù wán dàn le


      If the bank refuses to lend us the money, we're finished.

    • tā zhù dìng yào wán dàn le


      He is doomed.

    • yào shi méi yǒu nà ge hé tong wǒ men jiù wán dàn le


      Without that contract, we're done for.

    • chè dǐ wán dàn


      completely done for

    • zhè xiē xié zi yào wán dàn


      These shoes are done for.

Word usage

  • "完" and "蛋" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 暂时不了

      He can't be doomed for a while.

    • 匪徒

      The gang of gangsters have already been doomed.