
Chinese dictionary
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  • adv.more often than not; often; usually

    • tā wǎng wǎng gōng zuò dào shēn yè


      She often works late into the night.

    • zhè lǐ chūn tiān wǎng wǎng yǒu dà fēng


      It often blows hard here in spring.

    • zhè lǐ xià tiān wǎng wǎng xià bào yǔ


      It often rains very hard here in summertime.

    • tā de guān diǎn wǎng wǎng bǐ jiào piān jī


      He tends towards extreme views.

    • měi yù dào duō wù tiān qì gōng gòng qì chē wǎng wǎng tuō bān


      As often as not the buses are late on foggy days.

    • yǒu de rén wǎng wǎng zuò chū qīng shuài de jié lùn


      Some people are prone to jump to hasty conclusions.

    • zuì fàn men wǎng wǎng huì chóng fǎn fàn zuì xiàn chǎng


      The criminal often revisits the scene of the crime.

    • wǒ men wǎng wǎng kě yǐ cóng zǒu lù de zī tài biàn rèn chū yī gè rén


      We can often recognize people by their walk.

Word usage

  • Note
    "往往" is different from "常常". 1) "往往" can refer to things that happen in the future; "常常" is generally not used in the future. 2)The meaning of the word "往往" is different from all the meanings of "往"; the meaning of the word "常常" is close to the meaning which is "often" of "常".

Chinese words with pinyin wang wang