
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.say hello to; extend greetings to; give one's regards to

    • wù bì guò lai gēn lǎo péng you wèn hǎo


      Do come over and say hello to our old friend.

    • qǐng xiàng dà jiā wèn hǎo


      Please say hello to everybody.

    • kàn dào nǐ dì di shí dài wǒ xiàng tā wèn hǎo


      Give your brother my regards when you see him.

Word usage

  • "问" and "好" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 早上老师

      I say hello to the teachers every morning!

    • 老师

      I said hello to the teacher.

    • He said hello to me.