wù zhì tiáo jiàn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.material conditions

    • gèng hǎo de wù zhì tiáo jiàn


      better material conditions

    • wù zhì tiáo jiàn de tí gāo


      material advancement

    • tā wèi shí tou de xíng chéng tí gōng le wù zhì tiáo jiàn


      It gets the material conditions ready for the formation of stone.

  • 2

    n.all that is needed to do something

    • jiāo tōng jì shù de fā zhǎn shì jìn bù de wù zhì tiáo jiàn


      Technical development of transportation is necessary for progress.

    • liáng hǎo de jì shù shì shè huì fā zhǎn de wù zhì tiáo jiàn


      Good technology is the necessary for social development.

    • nǐ yào wèi tā de gōng zuò tí gōng yī qiè wù zhì tiáo jiàn


      You have to provide all the necessary things for her work.