xià fàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.have a savory dish or food with one's staple food

    • zhè ge là jiāo jiàng hěn xià fàn


      This chilli sauce goes well with rice.

  • 2

    n.dialnon-staple food

    • nǐ xiǎng lái diǎn xià fàn ma


      Do you like some non-staple food?

  • 3

    adj.(of a dish) going well with rice; suitable for the staple food

    • méi yǒu cài xià fàn


      There is no dish to go with rice.

Word usage

  • "下" and "饭" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 四川辣椒不了

      People of Sichuan province have meals with chili.

    • 以前酱油

      I used to use soy sauce to go with rice.

    • 什么?

      What did you have with your rice?

Chinese words with pinyin xia fan