
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.order; give/issue an order

    • tā xià lìng chū jī


      He gave orders to launch an attack.

    • bié xià lìng ràng jǐng chá chū dòng


      Don't order out the police.

    • zuó tiān zhèng fǔ xià lìng shí xíng mào yì xiàn zhì


      The government ordered trade restrictions yesterday.

    • xià lìng jiě sàn


      issue an order to disband an organization

    • jǐng fāng míng tiān jiāng xià lìng fēng bì dào lù


      The road will be closed by order of the police.

    • jūn guān xià lìng suǒ yǒu shì bīng kǎo hé


      The officer ordered that all soldiers should attend the test.

Word usage

  • "下" and "令" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 将军士兵没有认真执行

      The General gave orders, but the soldiers did not carry out them seriously.

    • 政府已经禁止燃放烟花爆竹

      The municipal government has ordered that fireworks and firecrackers be banned.

    • He left after giving the order.

Chinese words with pinyin xia ling