
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.come/go down the mountain; descend the mountain

    • duì wu zǒu xià shān le


      The procession made its way down the hill.

    • wǒ qí zì xíng chē xià shān


      I go down the hill by bike.

    • wǒ men fēi bēn xià shān zhuī gǎn nà liàng qì chē


      We pelted down the hill after the car.

  • 2

    v.(of the sun) set; descend behind the mountains; sink below the horizon

    • tài yáng xià shān le


      The sun has set.

    • méi yǒu rén gǎn zài tài yáng xià shān hòu chū mén


      No one would venture from their homes after sunset.

    • tài yáng xià shān hòu jiù shì wǎn cān shí jiān le


      Sunset over, and it's time for dinner.

Word usage

  • "下" and "山" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 常年生活用品今年

      She lives in the mountains all the year round and has only gone downhill once to buy daily necessities this year.

    • 一直今年

      I've always been living on a mountain, and I haven't been down the hill this year.

    • 太阳我们

      When the sun is down, let's go to dinner.