xiàn suǒ

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.metaclue; clew; thread

    • tā zhǎo dào le pò àn de xiàn suǒ


      She finds the clues for solving a case.

    • zhì jīn hái méi yǒu zhǎo dào yǒu guān tā xíng zōng de xiàn suǒ


      No clue to his whereabouts has been found.

    • jiù shì zhè ge xiàn suǒ bāng wǒ men zuì zhōng jiě jué le wèn tí


      It was the clue which clinched it for us.

  • 2

    n.(for literary works) the clue of the plot

    • zuò pǐn qíng jié qū zhé yóu liǎng tiáo xiàn suǒ jiāo zhī ér chéng


      The plot of the work is tortuous, intertwined by two clues.

    • xiǎo shuō de xiàn suǒ fù zá


      The clues of the novel are complicated.

    • nǐ kàn dǒng zhè bù xiǎo shuō de xiàn suǒ le ma


      Do you understand the clues of this novel?

Word usage

  • "线索" is often matched with measure word "条".
    • 线索

      one clue