
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.item; event; article; clause

    • xué xiào yùn dòng huì bāo hán le xǔ duō xiàng mù


      The school sports meet includes many sports.

    • yóu yǒng bǐ sài hái bāo hán wā yǒng zì yóu yǒng děng xiàng mù


      Swimming competition also includes breaststroke, freestyle and other events.

    • tǐ yù sài shì hán gài hěn duō xiàng mù


      Sporting events cover many things.

  • 2


    • gàn le wǔ gè yuè yǐ hòu wǒ men zuì zhōng rèn dìng zhè ge xiàng mù bù kě néng qǔ dé chéng gōng


      After five months of work, we eventually wrote the project off as a non-starter.

    • zhè ge gōng sī chéng jiē le yī gè xīn xiàng mù


      The company undertook a new project.

    • zhè ge xiàng mù jiāng zài yuè dǐ wán gōng


      The project will be completed by the end of the month.

Word usage

  • "项目" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 项目

      one project

Chinese words with pinyin xiang mu