xiǎo mài bù

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.canteen; snack counter; a small shop attached to school, factory, theatre, etc. selling cigarettes, confectionary, etc.

    • nǐ men dōu zhī dào xiǎo mài bù zài nǎ lǐ le ba


      You guys already know where the canteen is.

    • wǒ zài xué xiào xiǎo mài bù mǎi le bàng de qiǎo kè lì táng


      I had 15 pounds of chocolate candy from a sale at school.

    • zhè shì jiā shí pǐn xiǎo mài bù


      This is a dry canteen.

Word usage

  • "小卖部" is often matched with measure word "个"or"家".
    • 小卖部

      one concession stand

    • 小卖部

      one concession stand