xīn xīn niàn niàn

Chinese dictionary
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  • slcherish the desire of; long for; set one's heart (on something)

    • xīn xīn niàn niàn xiǎng dāng diàn yǐng míng xīng


      keep dreaming of becoming a film star

    • tā xīn xīn niàn niàn de jiù shì yào wèi xiāng qīn men yuán le zhè ge zhù lù mèng


      He is constantly thinking about making the dream of road construction a reality for his fellow villagers.

    • nà shí hou de guó mín shì zěn yàng xīn xīn niàn niàn de xiǎng zhe yào bǎo hù zǔ guó


      In what ways did the citizens of that time constantly think about protecting their country?

    • tā xīn xīn niàn niàn de xiǎng dāng yī míng fēi xíng yuán


      He is set on becoming a pilot.

    • xǔ duō rén zǒng shì xīn xīn niàn niàn xiǎng zhe chī de dōng xi


      Food has become an obsession for many people.