xīn xù

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.mood; (usually referring to calmness or a disturbed state of mind) state/frame of mind

    • tā gǎn dào hūn tóu hūn nǎo xīn xù hùn luàn


      He felt dull and confused.

    • cóng miàn róng shang yī yǎn jiù kě yǐ kàn chū tā què shí xīn xù fán luàn


      It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.

Word usage

  • Note
    1."心绪" is different from "心情". "心情" can refer to positive or negative emotions; "心绪" mostly refers to negative emotions. 2."心绪" is different from "思绪". "思绪" refer to the clues and thoughts of one's mind.