Yu Wen Grade 7(A)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 7(A).

yī shà一霎in an instant

liǎng quán两全be good both ways

yún xiāo云霄the skies

tíng tíng亭亭erect; #$

shì nòng侍弄tend with care; repair

xìn fú信服be convinced

tǎng ruò倘若if

tì tǎng倜傥elegant

jiàn zhuàng健壮healthy and strong

qī lěng凄冷desolate; chilly

fēn qí分歧divergence; different

huà zhuāng化妆put on make-up

dān dān单单only

mài nong卖弄show off

bó xué博学learned

qǔ jué取决be decided by

gè dé qí suǒ各得其所everyone in their proper place

lìn sè吝啬stingy

duō duō bī rén咄咄逼人overbearing

hé ǎi和蔼amiable

hóu lóng喉咙throat

xǐ chū wàng wài喜出望外be pleasantly surprised


liáo liàng嘹亮resonant

dì tǎn地毯carpet

yāng qiú央求plead

zǐ mèi姊妹elder and younger sisters; things which has a close relationship as same as the sisters

jiāo mèi娇媚coquettish; sweet and charming

ān shì安适quiet and comfortable

kuān chang宽敞spacious

wū yán屋檐eaves

gān sè干涩dry and rough; hoarse

yìng hè应和echo

pái huái徘徊wander; hesitate

xīn xù心绪mood

gōng jìng恭敬respectful

cí shàn慈善charitable

qiáo cuì憔悴thin and pallid; withered

dǒu sǒu抖擞enliven


chuí dǎ捶打pound

bào nù暴怒violent rage

gěngstalk; straighten up

léng jìng棱镜prism

chén jì沉寂quiet; without news

mù yù沐浴take a bath; be bathed in

liú zhuǎn流转roam; circulate

xī lì淅沥sound

lín lí淋漓be dripping wet; free from inhibition

dàn yǎ淡雅of seemingly effortless refinement

yuān bó渊博broad and profound

chéng qīng澄清clear; clarify

làn màn烂漫bright-colored; unaffected

hōng tuō烘托add shading around an object to make it stand out; achieve the effect of prominence through contrast

tān huàn瘫痪be paralytic; break down

kuī jiǎ盔甲suit of armor

zhuó luò着落whereabouts; assured source

jié máo睫毛eyelash

què záo确凿authentic

dǎo gào祷告pray

xiù qi秀气delicate; refined

kōng líng空灵free and natural

cuànflee; exile

duān zhuāng端庄dignified

cū guǎng粗犷rough; straightforward

lín lín粼粼clear

xù dao絮叨be long-winded; repetitive

shēn shì绅士person of status

lǜ yīn yīn绿茵茵verdant

fān lái fù qù翻来覆去toss from side to side; again and again

jī fū肌肤skin and muscle

huā zhī zhāo zhǎn花枝招展be gorgeously dressed

huā bāo花苞bud

yìn bì荫蔽be shaded or hidden by foliage; conceal

lì lín莅临arrive

base/stem/footstalk of a fruit/flower; end


yī shang衣裳clothing

hunt for

jué bié诀别bid farewell

zhì pǔ质朴plain


qīng jié轻捷nimble

zào fǎng造访pay a visit/call

zhē bì遮蔽hide from view/sight

yùn niàng酝酿brew; deliberate on

jiàn shǎng鉴赏appreciate

líng dang铃铛small bell


jìng mò静默be/become silent; mourn in silence

fēng zheng风筝kite

gāo jié高洁noble and unsullied

rén jì hǎn zhì人迹罕至deserted

fà jì发髻hair worn in a bun or coil

zhuó shí啄食same as 啄

cǎo duò草垛haystack

nì xiào匿笑laugh secretly

zhù xù贮蓄store/lay up; savings

hū péng yǐn bàn呼朋引伴gang up with people of the same stripe as oneself

lǎng rùn朗润clear, bright, moist and sleek