xuān xiào

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.talk and laugh loudlyd

    • dà jiā xuān xiào le yī zhèn duì jīn tiān de shèng lì hěn shì dé yì


      They all burst into loud laughter, very pleased with their victory that day.

    • dà hǎi chōng qǐ le xuān xiào hǎi àn shǎn shuò zhe cāng bái de wēi xiào


      The sea surges up with laughter and the sea beach gleams the pale smile.

  • 2

    n.loud laughter

    • hái zi men bù shí fā chū zhèn zhèn xuān xiào


      Peals of laughter sounded from among children.

Chinese words with pinyin xuan xiao