xuán niàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.reader involvement; suspense (felt as a story, play, etc. builds to a climax)

    • zhè ge diàn yǐng xuán niàn qiáng jié zòu jǐn zhāng


      This film is full of suspense and it has a very tense pace.

    • shǐ gù shì gèng jiā yǐn rén rù shèng de zǒng shì xuán niàn de chéng fèn


      An element of mystery always adds excitement to a story.

    • xuán niàn shǐ guān zhòng jǐn zhāng bù ān


      The suspense keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.

  • 2

    v.suspense; be concerned about (somebody elsewhere); miss

    • fēi cháng xuán niàn


      be rather worried

    • nǚ ér jiǔ wèi lái xìn fù mǔ pō wéi xuán niàn


      Their daughter hadn't written to them for a long time, and they were rather worried.

Word usage

  • "悬念" is often matched with measure word "个"or"丝"or"串".
    • 悬念

      one suspense

    • 悬念

      one trace of suspense

    • 悬念

      one series of suspense