xuè yuán

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.ties of blood; consanguinity; blood relationship

    • tā men míng yì shang shì xiōng mèi dàn méi xuè yuán guān xi


      They are brother and sister in name, but not related by blood.

    • zōng zú shì yǐ xuè yuán wéi niǔ dài gòu chéng de mín jiān qún tǐ


      A clan is a folk group which is formed by a bond of blood relationship.

Word usage

  • Note
    Both "血统" and "血缘" refer to a kind of natural kinship formed by human beings reproducing offspring. However, "血统" refers to the system constituted by this relationship, so it can be used widely. In addition to family members, it is also used for clan, nation, country, region, etc., such as "亚洲血统"; "血缘" refers to the natural connection of this relationship, and it is mostly used for families or family members.