yàn shī

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.carry out an autopsy; carry out/conduct a postmortem examination; perform an autopsy on the remains (of)

    • yàn shī biǎo míng sǐ zhě shì zhòng dú ér sǐ


      The autopsy revealed that the dead man had been poisoned.

    • yàn shī fā xiàn tā wèi zhōng yǒu wēi liàng dú wù


      The post-mortem revealed traces of poison in his stomach.

Word usage

  • "验" and "尸" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 法医一边一边记录

      The forensic doctor was taking notes while conducting a postmortem examination.

    • 发现尸体法医马上赶来

      When the body was found, the forensic doctor arrived immediately to conduct a postmortem examination.

    • 法医已经

      The forensic doctor already conducted a postmortem examination.