yāo ráo

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • adj.fmlenchanting; fascinating; bewitching

    • shén tài yāo ráo


      have an enchanting expression

    • tā yāo ráo bìng qiě mí rén


      She is seductive and fascinating.

    • hóng tōng tōng de yīng táo zài qiǎo kè lì de wéi rào xia xiǎn de gèng jiā yāo ráo


      The red cherry around chocolate appears to be more enchanting.

Word usage

  • "妖娆" can be reduplicated, for example: "妖妖娆娆 ".
    • 房间

      She let herself out of the room in a graceful and fascinating manner.