Yu Wen Grade 9(A)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 9(A).

yī yì gū xíng一意孤行cling obstinately to one's course

bù èr fǎ mén不二法门one and only way

shì miàn世面various aspects of society

fēng gōng wěi jì丰功伟绩tremendous achievements

fēng rùn丰润plump and smooth-skinned

xiè dú亵渎blaspheme

líng lì伶俐clever

guān miǎn冠冕official hat; elegant and stately

zhì cái制裁punish

jiǎn yǐng剪影cut a silhouette out of paper; paper-cut silhouette

jié lüè劫掠loot

bó fā勃发thrive; erupt

ní nán呢喃twitter; murmur

chī xiào嗤笑jeer at

dū nang嘟囔mutter/mumble to oneself

sī yǎ嘶哑hoarse

kùn è困厄poverty-stricken; distress

dà fā léi tíng大发雷霆be furious

tiān jiāo天骄proud son of heaven

wàng xiǎng妄想wishful thinking; vainly hope to do something

yāo ráo妖娆enchanting

pīng tíng娉婷graceful

kuān yòu宽宥pardon

guǎng mào广袤length and breadth of land; vast

yìng chou应酬treat with courtesy; dinner party

xíng xiāo gǔ lì形销骨立be nothing but skin and bones

yōu qī忧戚distressed

zì suī恣睢reckless

kè shǒu恪守scrupulously abide by

jīng hài惊骇frightened

wǎng rán惘然frustrated

è rán愕然stunned

zhé yāo折腰bow; respect

jié jū拮据hard up

yáo yè摇曳flicker

duàn zhāng qǔ yì断章取义quote/interpret out of context

páng wù旁骛have one's interest drawn to other vocations

lǐ dài táo jiāng李代桃僵palm off a substitute for the real thing; sacrifice oneself for another person

dù jué杜绝put an end; waive all rights to buy back the real estate one sells

zhàn qiáo栈桥landing stage

jí qǔ汲取absorb

xiōng yǒng汹涌tempestuous

chén zuì沉醉get drunk; become intoxicated

liú pàn流盼cast a sidelong/lingering glance

làng dàng浪荡loiter; dissolute

hán yǎng涵养self-restraint; conserve or retain

yóu yì游弋cruise; swim

tāo tāo滔滔torrential; keeping up a constant flow of words

màn yóu漫游go on a pleasure trip; browse

huī jìn灰烬ashes

liú li琉璃colored glaze

xiāng dé yì zhāng相得益彰bring out the best in each other

piē jiàn瞥见catch a glimpse of

jiǎo róu zào zuò矫揉造作be affected

jì sì祭祀offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors

chán shī禅师Zen/Chan master

mì jué秘诀key

jī zǎn积攒save bit by bit

zhēn yán箴言admonition

jīng wēi精微deep and profound; mystery

zāo tà糟蹋waste; insult

chóu duàn绸缎silks and satins

xiàn mù羡慕admire

fǔ làn腐烂decompose; corrupt

zì chuī zì léi自吹自擂blow one's own trumpet

zì cán xíng huì自惭形秽feel ashamed at one's inferior appearance or manners; feel unworthy

zì chí自持exercise self-restraint

xiāo suǒ萧索bleak

zhùborer; eat

yán bù jí yì言不及义never talk about/say anything serious

tiáo hé调和harmonious; mediate

mào rán贸然rashly

zāng wù赃物stolen goods

zàn yù赞誉praise; praise


zūn xún遵循abide by

bǐ yí鄙夷despise

jīn gē tiě mǎ金戈铁马shining spears and armoured horses; heroic soldiers

jiān bù róng fà间不容发not a hair's breadth apart

yīn huì阴晦shady

fù yōng fēng yǎ附庸风雅mingle with men of letters and pose as a lover of culture

suí xīn suǒ yù随心所欲at one's sweet will

suí jī yìng biàn随机应变adjust to changing circumstances

gé mó隔膜lack of mutual understanding/familiarity; unfamiliar

fēng liú风流refined and tasteful; talented and free-spirited

fēng sāo风骚Folk Songs of 15 States from The Book of Songs and Encountering Sorrow by Qu Yuan; literary excellence

piāo yì飘逸elegant; float

xiān yán鲜妍bright

jiū zhàn què cháo鸠占鹊巢use force to occupy someone else's space or take over someone's position; #$

huī xià麾下general; a general's subordinate

lí míng黎明dawn

fù lì táng huáng富丽堂皇impressive-looking

bīn bīn yǒu lǐ彬彬有礼refined and courteous

dàng rán wú cún荡然无存all gone

huǎng ruò恍若as if

chōu sī bāo jiǎn抽丝剥茧reel silk from cocoons

qīng líng轻灵elegant and lively; agile

niǔ nie zuò tài扭捏作态put on coquettish airs

rú yǎng濡养syndrome differentiation