一意孤行cling obstinately to one's course
冠冕official hat; elegant and stately
剪影cut a silhouette out of paper; paper-cut silhouette
妄想wishful thinking; vainly hope to do something
广袤length and breadth of land; vast
应酬treat with courtesy; dinner party
形销骨立be nothing but skin and bones
断章取义quote/interpret out of context
旁骛have one's interest drawn to other vocations
李代桃僵palm off a substitute for the real thing; sacrifice oneself for another person
杜绝put an end; waive all rights to buy back the real estate one sells
沉醉get drunk; become intoxicated
流盼cast a sidelong/lingering glance
涵养self-restraint; conserve or retain
滔滔torrential; keeping up a constant flow of words
漫游go on a pleasure trip; browse
相得益彰bring out the best in each other
祭祀offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors
自惭形秽feel ashamed at one's inferior appearance or manners; feel unworthy
言不及义never talk about/say anything serious
金戈铁马shining spears and armoured horses; heroic soldiers
间不容发not a hair's breadth apart
附庸风雅mingle with men of letters and pose as a lover of culture
随机应变adjust to changing circumstances
隔膜lack of mutual understanding/familiarity; unfamiliar
风流refined and tasteful; talented and free-spirited
鸠占鹊巢use force to occupy someone else's space or take over someone's position; #$