yǎo jǐn yá guān

Chinese dictionary
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  • slclench one's teeth; be determined

    • yǎo jǐn yá guān jiān chí xià qu hěn kuài huì guò qù de


      Just grit your teeth and hang on, it will be over soon.

    • tā yǎo jǐn yá guān rěn shòu


      He gritted his teeth and resolved to hold out.

    • wǒ bù shèng kùn jiǒng yǎo jǐn yá guān


      I was so overwhelmed that I gritted my teeth.

    • nǐ zhǐ hǎo yǎo jǐn yá guān duì gōng zuò jìn lì ér wéi


      You are just going to have to bite the bullet and make the best of it.