yào jué

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.important tricks of the trade; essential secret of success

    • tā yī zhí zài gěi tā xīn rèn shi de hǎo péng you chuán shòu shí shàng yào jué


      She has been giving her new best friend fashion tips.

    • kòng zhì yǐn shí hé fàng sōng shēn xīn shì bǎo chí jiàn kāng de liǎng gè yào jué


      Diet and relaxation are two important keys to good health.

Word usage

  • "要诀" is often matched with measure word "个"or"句"or"些".
    • 要诀

      one tip

    • 要诀

      one tip

    • 要诀

      some tips