一气呵成flow smoothly; do something without interruption
伤疤scar; errors, secrets and humiliation of the past
妙手回春effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life
寻章摘句quote others due to a lack of creativity; search passages and select phrases and sentences
战战兢兢trembling with fear; apprehensive and cautious
掂量weigh in the hand; think over
望眼欲穿feel powerless and insignificant in the face of great difficulty
渲染apply colours to a drawing; exaggerate
熏陶exert a gradual, uplifting influence on
练达experienced and worldly-wise
胸有成竹have a well thought-out strategy
血雨腥风a foul wind and a rain of blood
要诀important tricks of the trade
高谈阔论give a long and pompous speech
不知好歹be unable to recognize good from bad
身临其境be personally on the scene
伤痕累累scars of wounds strung together like beads
开卷有益Reading is always profitable.