Yu Wen Grade 9(B)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 9(B).

yī qì hē chéng一气呵成flow smoothly; do something without interruption

liǎng lèi chā dāo两肋插刀take great risks

luàn péng péng乱蓬蓬jumbled

shāng bā伤疤scar; errors, secrets and humiliation of the past

shì hòu侍候attend

quàn jiè劝诫admonish

jié nàn劫难calamity

chuī máo qiú cī吹毛求疵find fault

ǒuvomit; oh, no

wèi tóng jiáo là味同嚼蜡tasteless

pǐn xíng品行behaviour

hōng xiào哄笑burst into laughter

pēn bó喷薄gushing

kùn fá困乏tired; in dire straits

kǎn jiān坎肩waistcoat

zhuìdrop; weigh down

tiān lún zhī lè天伦之乐family happiness

rú zuò zhēn zhān如坐针毡be on pins and needles

miào shǒu huí chūn妙手回春effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life

xún zhāng zhāi jù寻章摘句quote others due to a lack of creativity; search passages and select phrases and sentences

yì xiǎng tiān kāi异想天开fantastic

kǒng hè恐吓intimidate

kěn qiè恳切earnest

chóu chàng惆怅melancholy

wǎn xī惋惜sympathetic

diàn jì惦记be concerned about

yì jìng意境mood of a literary work

biē men憋闷dejected; oppressed

zhàn zhàn jīng jīng战战兢兢trembling with fear; apprehensive and cautious

tuō qiàn拖欠be in arrears

níngtwist; pinch

jié bào捷报news of victory

diān liang掂量weigh in the hand; think over

tàn shì探视visit; look

qí zhì旗帜flag; model

wú jīng dǎ cǎi无精打采in low spirits

wàng yǎn yù chuān望眼欲穿feel powerless and insignificant in the face of great difficulty

yáng yì洋溢brim with

hǎi ōu海鸥sea gull

juān juān涓涓trickling sluggishly

wēn qíng温情tender feelings

xuàn rǎn渲染apply colours to a drawing; exaggerate

màn màn漫漫very long

làoiron; bake

yān cōng烟囱chimney

xī miè熄灭extinguish

xūn táo熏陶exert a gradual, uplifting influence on

jiǎo xiá狡黠sly

pán huán盘桓stay; wind round and round

zhēn zhì真挚sincere

lǐ pìn礼聘invite somebody cordially

xiào wō笑涡same as 笑窝

shāi zi筛子sieve

cù xīn簇新brand new

liàn dá练达experienced and worldly-wise

fěi cuì翡翠jade; halcyon

cōng yǐng聪颖bright

xiōng yǒu chéng zhú胸有成竹have a well thought-out strategy


duò shǒu舵手steersman; leader

cāng máng苍茫boundless

huāng táng荒唐absurd; dissipated

hūn cài荤菜meat dish

zǎo shì藻饰embellishments in writing

chǔn bèn蠢笨stupid; clumsy

xuè yǔ xīng fēng血雨腥风a foul wind and a rain of blood

zhuāng shì装饰decorate; ornaments

yào jué要诀important tricks of the trade

jiànlow-priced; lowly

cǎistep on; belittle

mén kǎn门槛doorsill; knack

yán luó阎罗Yama; an evil person

fù hè附和echo

yǐn nì隐匿conceal

suì dòng隧洞tunnel


qǐng kè顷刻short while

bó chuán驳船barge

jià yù驾驭control; drive

gāo ào高傲arrogant; proud

gāo tán kuò lùn高谈阔论give a long and pompous speech

bù zhī hǎo dǎi不知好歹be unable to recognize good from bad

fǔ shēn俯身stoop

jiá ǎo夹袄lined jacket

wú yuán wú gù无缘无故for no reason at all

shēn lín qí jìng身临其境be personally on the scene

shāng hén lěi lěi伤痕累累scars of wounds strung together like beads

láo láo dāo dāo唠唠叨叨babble on and on

kuáng wàng zì dà狂妄自大arrogant and conceited

kāi juàn yǒu yì开卷有益Reading is always profitable.

zhì ài滞碍block

wō xíng蜗行move at a snail's pace


bù xiè zhì biàn不屑置辩disdain to argue

bǐ yàn笔砚writing brush and inkslab

fēi cuàn飞窜dart away

qiān jūn zhī lì千钧之力powerful force

qǔ yì chéng rén取义成仁die to preserve one's virtue intact

yí qíng怡情cheer the heart

yū tān淤滩silt land