
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.inheritance; legacy

    • zhè bǐ yí chǎn shǐ tā néng gòu jìn qíng tóu rù tā rè ài de yì shù


      The inheritance enabled him to indulge his passion for art.

    • tā dān xīn tā de yí chǎn huì luò dào jì mǔ de shǒu li


      She feared losing her inheritance to her stepmother.

    • tā jiān chí shēng chēng tā jì chéng yí chǎn de quán lì


      He persistently asserted his right to take the heritage.

  • 2

    n.cultural wealth or material wealth handed down in history

    • zhè běn shū shì yǔ yīng guó wén huà yí chǎn bǎo hù xié huì lián hé chū bǎn de


      The book was published in association with English Cultural Heritage Association.

    • yīng guó shī gē shì tā men de wěi dà yí chǎn zhī yī


      English poetry is one of their great heritages.

    • bù fen sī xiǎng yǐ chéng wéi wǒ men de wén huà yí chǎn


      Some ideas have become our cultural heritage.

Word usage

  • "遗产" is often matched with measure word "笔"or"份".
    • 遗产

      one legacy

    • 遗产

      one legacy