
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.metastand erect; stand towering like a giant

    • tā men xiàng qīng sōng yī yàng tǐng rán yì lì


      They stood straight and tall, like young pines.

    • yī kē dà shù yì lì zài xuán yá biān


      A big tree stands erect at the edge of the cliff.

    • jì niàn bēi yì lì zài guǎng chǎng shang


      The monument stands like a giant on the square.

    • yì lì bù dòng


      stand erect and unmoving

    • dà bù fen chéng bǎo réng rán yì lì


      Most of the castles still stand.

Word usage

  • Note
    "屹立" is different from "矗立" and "耸立". "屹立" means "stand towering like a giant" and can be used for metaphor; "矗立" and "耸立" means "stand tall and upright", and are usually not used as a metaphor for people.