两栖amphibious; be engaged in two fields/spheres
乐意be willing to do something; satisfied
冗杂lengthy and jumbled; miscellaneous
叹为观止acclaim something as the acme of perfection
大彻大悟become totally enlightened
天衣无缝seamless heavenly robe worn by fairies
如法炮制be modeled on; prepare herbal medicine by the prescribed method
孕育be pregnant with; inoculation
怠慢give cold-shoulder to somebody; neglect
流逝pass quickly and never return
海棠Chinese flowering crab apple tree; plum-leaf crab
煎fry in shallow oil without stirring; decoct
礼数courtesy; level of courtesy one could expect based on one's status in ancient times
笑眯眯smiling with slightly squinted eyes
衣襟the one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese jacket
酬谢repay someone's kindness with thanks
闭塞stop/close up; hard to get to
顾名思义seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function
草长莺飞The grasses are tall and the nightingales are in the air.