Yu Wen Grade 8(B)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 8(B).

yī mǎ dāng xiān一马当先gallop at the head

liǎng qī两栖amphibious; be engaged in two fields/spheres

yán jùn严峻stern; serious

lè yì乐意be willing to do something; satisfied

pīng pāng乒乓rattle sound; ping-pong

kàng fèn亢奋extremely excited

pú rén仆人servant

piān pì偏僻remote

yuán xiāo元宵night of the 15th of the first lunar month; sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour for the Lantern Festival

rǒng zá冗杂lengthy and jumbled; miscellaneous

nóng yàn农谚farmer's proverb/saying

zhù xìng助兴liven things up

jié nàn劫难calamity

tàn wéi guān zhǐ叹为观止acclaim something as the acme of perfection

yāo he吆喝cry out; peddle

zhōu ér fù shǐ周而复始go round and round

cháo xiào嘲笑ridicule

dà chè dà wù大彻大悟become totally enlightened

tiān yī wú fèng天衣无缝seamless heavenly robe worn by fairies

hǎo dǎi好歹good and evil; mishap

rú fǎ páo zhì如法炮制be modeled on; prepare herbal medicine by the prescribed method

yùn yù孕育be pregnant with; inoculation

jiā juàn家眷wife and children; wife

kuān wèi宽慰comfort; happy

yì lì屹立stand erect

nián gāo年糕New Year cake

huì xīng彗星comet

dài màn怠慢give cold-shoulder to somebody; neglect

zì yì恣意reckless

tián jìng恬静peaceful

xuán shū悬殊greatly disparate

kǎi tàn慨叹lament

jū shù拘束restrict; constrained

tiāo ti挑剔be fastidious

tiǎo xìn挑衅provoke

xié dài携带carry; guide and support

mó dēng摩登modern

cuōgather; scoop up

cuān duo撺掇urge

zhēnpour; thinking carefully

huì àn晦暗dark and gloomy

yuè xīn月薪monthly pay

shù fù束缚bind up; restrain

gǒu qǐ枸杞Chinese wolfberry


gǎn lǎn橄榄olive; fruit of olive

cì dì次第order; one after another

qī wǔ欺侮bully and humiliate

liú shì流逝pass quickly and never return

hǎi táng海棠Chinese flowering crab apple tree; plum-leaf crab

miǎo yuǎn渺远remote

piāo yí漂移drift; drift

cháo xī潮汐morning and evening tides

chán chán潺潺murmur

jiānfry in shallow oil without stirring; decoct

zhào lì照例as a rule

pànside; boundary

jiǎo jié皎洁bright and clear

tóng rén瞳仁pupil of the eye

liú huáng硫磺sulfur

wǎn zhǎn碗盏crockery

páng bó磅礴boundless; fill

lǐ shù礼数courtesy; level of courtesy one could expect based on one's status in ancient times

xiào mī mī笑眯眯smiling with slightly squinted eyes


wán kù纨绔silk clothes

jī bàn羁绊fetter; be bound

piān rán翩然lightly

là bā zhōu腊八粥laba porridge


zhì mì致密compact

lì zhī荔枝lychee tree

méng fā萌发bud; come about

luò mù落幕come to a close

háng bèi行辈seniority

yī jīn衣襟the one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese jacket

zhě zhòu褶皱fold; wrinkle

yòu huò诱惑entice; attract

yǒng yuè踊跃leap; eager

bèng tiào蹦跳jump

fú shè辐射radiate; radiation

guò yǐn过瘾satisfy the urge of a hobby

zhuī sù追溯trace back to

chóu xiè酬谢repay someone's kindness with thanks

qiánpincers; grip

xiāo shēng nì jì销声匿迹disappear from the scene

shǎn shè闪射glitter

bì sè闭塞stop/close up; hard to get to

xián guàng闲逛saunter

yǔn shí陨石meteorolite

wù ǎi雾霭fog

zhèn hàn震撼shake

gù míng sī yì顾名思义seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function

gǔ gé骨骼skeleton

fú shuǐ凫水float on water

chéng huáng miào城隍庙temple of the city god

huā xiāng niǎo yǔ花香鸟语good weather

cǎo cháng yīng fēi草长莺飞The grasses are tall and the nightingales are in the air.

nǚ yōng女佣maid

jiá rán ér zhǐ戛然而止stop abruptly/suddenly