yǐn yòng shuǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.drinking water; potable water

    • tā zài gěi yǐn yòng shuǐ xiāo dú


      He is sterilizing the drinking water.

    • yǐn yòng shuǐ de shuǐ zhì biāo zhǔn bù hé gé


      The water quality standards for drinking water are not satisfactory.

    • quē fá qīng jié de yǐn yòng shuǐ ràng rén jí wéi guān zhù


      The lack of clean drinking water is of great concern.

    • bù gān jìng de yǐn yòng shuǐ


      unclean drinking water

Word usage

  • "饮用水" is often matched with measure word "桶"or"杯".
    • 饮用水

      one bucket of drinking water

    • 饮用水

      one glass of drinking water