
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.exert oneself (physically)

    • tā yòng lì de bān qǐ kuāng fàng dào zhuō shang


      She heaved the basket onto the table.

    • tā yòng lì bǎ mén tuī le yī xià


      He gave the door a hard push.

    • bù yào guò yú yòng lì yā tuǐ fǒu zé nǐ huì shòu shāng


      Never force your legs to overstretch, or you can cause injuries.

Word usage

  • "用" and "力" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 拔河比赛大家

      In this tug-of-war, everyone should put more effort into it.

    • 打开

      I tried hard, but I didn’t open it.

    • 瓶子打开

      I tried hard several times to open the bottle.