yuán wài

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.archa ministry councilor; official title; class of official in the ministry

    • tā pō yǒu diǎn yuán wài de fēng dù zhāo dài qǐ péng you lái dǎo hái sǎ tuo dé hěn


      He is quite like a minister councilor, and he is very free and easy to entertain his friends.

  • 2

    n.dated(mainly in early vernacular) landlord; an address for a rich landowner; wealthy country gentleman; squire

    • guān yǔ yī nù zhī xià bǎ hǔ yuán wài shā le táo wáng tā xiāng


      Deeply enraged, Guan Yu killed the despot and fled the town.

Chinese words with pinyin yuan wai