yuán zhǔ

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.original owner

    • fǎ yuàn mìng lìng tā bǎ tōu lái de qián quán shù guī huán yuán zhǔ


      The court ordered her to make full restitution of the money to the people she had stolen it from.

    • shī qiè de cái wù bì xū guī huán yuán zhǔ


      The stolen property must be restored to its owner.

    • wù guī yuán zhǔ


      return something to its owner

    • zhè kuài tǔ dì guī huán gěi le yuán zhǔ


      The land was returned to its original owner.

    • shī qiè de yóu huà jiāo huán gěi yuán zhǔ


      The stolen painting was restored to its owner.

    • quán lì huò cái chǎn de fù guī yuán zhǔ huò guó jiā


      Returning of a right or property to the original owner or the State