yuè duì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.band; group formed of people who play different musical instruments

    • cǐ yuè duì de xīn jī guāng chàng piàn xià zhōu fā xíng


      The band's new CD is released next week.

    • tā yào lí kāi yuè duì qù zhuān zhí xiě zuò


      She is leaving the band to concentrate on her writing.

    • cǐ yuè duì zhèng duì yī xiē qǔ mù jìn xíng chóng xīn hé chéng


      The band is remixing some songs.

Word usage

  • "乐队" is often matched with measure word "个"or"支".
    • 乐队

      one band

    • 乐队

      one band