yùn dòng xié

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.sneakers; sports shoes; gym shoes

    • tā tuō xià yùn dòng xié chuān shàng yī shuāng xì gāo gēn xié


      Off came her sneakers and on went a pair of stilettos.

    • tā chuān yī tiáo jiù niú zǎi kù jiǎo dēng yùn dòng xié


      He wore old jeans and a pair of sneakers.

    • zhè diàn li yǒu xù duǎn kù liáng xié hé yùn dòng xié


      There are T-shirts, shorts, sandals and sports shoes in the shop.

Word usage

  • "运动鞋" is often matched with measure word "双"or"只".
    • 运动鞋

      one pair of sneakers

    • 运动鞋

      one sneaker